16 Oct

Betting problems arises when one tends to crave for more money by excessive gaming. Betting when overdone contributes to bankruptcy and dysfunction of relationships with your loved ones.

Betting is very addictive and therefore unless you’re decided to risk it, you might end up in misery. Winning and losing is part of betting and it all depends upon how much the person is emotionally stable to take the beats in gaming.

Acknowledging the game of betting is the initial step to resolve gambling issues. Gamblers Anonymous has posted the following questions to test you.


1. Did you ever avoid school or work for gaming?

2. Has betting made your own life at home unhappy?

3. Has your standing been affected by gaming?

4. Has your life been remorse after a game of gambling?

5. Did you choose to bet and pay your debts?

6. Has gambling brought your ambition and aspirations down?

7. Did you ever wished to win all of the money you’d lost in gaming?

8. Did you have the temptation to win more after you tasted some success?

9. Have you ever gambled and emptied your pocket?

10. Can you borrow money and gambled daily?

11. Can you go to the extent of selling things just to gamble?

12. Were you hesitating to use ? Gambling money? For your daily expenses?

13. Has gambling made you careless person?

14. Did you need to gamble for more hours than you wanted?

15. Have you ever resorted to gambling to forget your worries?

16. Did you want to perpetrate an illegal act to finance gambling?

17. Have you lost on sleep because of gaming?

18. Does disappointment or debate spur you on to bet more?

19. Did you want to celebrate success for a few hours after gaming?

20. Have you ever attempted suicide after failure?

A person having gambling issues would say a ‘yes’ to at least seven questions posted above.

These suggestions given below will help you out off gambling problems, if any:

1. It is highly advisable to take just the money needed to gamble than taking credit cards and ATM cards along.
2. Do not gamble for quite a while.
3. There are more chances of losing than winning at a game of gambling.
4. Ensure you don’t use the money you won.
5. When you don’t have any more money to gamble, shed the idea without borrowing.
6. Take help of folks that are not hooked on this sport and seek proper advice. For more info click https://qq998slot.com

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